Finora ho postato sul Blog la mia dipendenza dal disegno e come questa sia sempre stata presente anche nei momenti meno allegri.
Ma, Ehi, siamo a S.Valentino, e bisogna essere pucciosi, quindi vi parlerò di Fumetto e matrimonio :)
Era il 1997, frequentavo il liceo artistico, e non mi trovavo bene con la mia classe. Non ero il tipo da complicare la vita a segreterie, presidi, insegnati ed altro chiedendo di essere cambiato di classe, così decisi semplicemente di smettere di andare, con la bocciatura avrei risolto.
Scoprii in quel periodo un corso di fumetto della circoscrizione, era anche gratuito e trovai un paio di amici incuriositi che sarebbero venuti.
Frequento ancora oggi alcuni di quegli amici, altri hanno preso strade diverse, ma due persone in particolare divennero per me importanti.
Uno è stato l'insegnante: Giorgio. Un ragazzo (allora, padre di famiglia adesso) che con grande umiltà mi ha saputo fare crescere più di chiunque altro sull'aspetto del disegno. A mia differenza non aveva fatto il liceo artistico, ma la sua passione lo aveva portato ben oltre gli insegnamenti classicisti. Ancora oggi, che lo frequento poco, lo stimo e lo ammiro come maestro... e seguo per quanto possibile il suo metodo d'insegnamento nelle scuole elementari e medie dove insegno fumetto, ed in quello stesso corso, dove con gli anni, da allievo sono diventato insegnante.
L'altra persona che ho conosciuto al corso era appassionata di Sailormoon, disegnava i suoi personaggi con lo stile di quel fumetto che trovavo molto approssimativo, ma allo stesso tempo disegnava con estrema abilità gli animali, anche i più difficili. Una abilità che tutt'ora non ho saputo raggiungere. Oltre ad ammirare i suoi disegni di animali, ho potuto collaborare con lei, Sara, suggerendole nuovi metodi di colorazione (che tutt'ora usa) e lottando infinite guerre per insegnarle i principi dell' anatomia (nella quale è migliorata molto) e sulla prospettiva (di cui continua a non capire assolutamente nulla).
Dal 1997 ad oggi sono ben 17 anni, quasi 12 dei quali passati con lei come marito e moglie.
Se non avessimo seguito il nostro amore per il disegno non ci saremmo mai conosciuti.
Che ne pensate non è una bella storia?
Curiosate il suo profilo su Deviantart:
Domanda: Da dove viene il nome di Teru Teru Bozu?
Risposta: Teru Teru Bozu deve il nome da una bambola giapponese che porta la fine della pioggia, ed in generale il bel tempo. Si è vista in molti cartoni animati... almeno, in molti cartoni animati della mia generazione, è quella specie di fazzoletto con dentro una pallina da ping-pong a simularne la testa (con tanto di occhietti disegnati) appesa spesso vicino alla finestra. In ogni caso Wikipedia può spiegarvi meglio :)
"Amore non è guardarci l'un l'altro, ma guardare insieme nella stessa direzione." Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Valentine's Day
So far I have posted on the Blog my dependence on drawing and how it has always been present even in the less cheerful moment.
But , hey , we're on Valentine's Day, and we have to be sweety, then I'll talk you about comics and marriage :)
It was 1997, I attended the art school, and I was not comfortable with my class. I was not the type to complicate the lives of secretaries, principals, teachers and others asking to be changed to class, so I decided to simply stop going, with the rejection would have solved.
I discovered at that time a course on comics of the district, was also free, and I found a couple of friends who would come intrigued.
Still attend some of those friends, others have taken different paths , but two people in particular became important to me .
One was a teacher: Giorgio. A boy (then, a family man now) with great humility that I was able to grow more than anyone else on the aspect of design. A difference to me had not studied in art school, but his passion led him far beyond the classicists teachings. Even today, that i deon't meet him so much, I respect and admire him as a teacher ... and as much as possible I follow his method of teaching in elementary and middle schools where I teach comics, and the same in the course , where over the years, I became a teacher to student .
The other person that I knew the course was passionate about Sailormoon, she drew her characters with the style of this comic that I found very rough , but at the same time she drew with great skill the animals , even the most difficult . A skill that still have not been able to achieve. In addition to admiring her drawings of animals, I was able to collaborate with her , Sara , suggesting new methods of colouring (which her still uses) and fighting endless wars to teach the principles of anatomy (in which she has improved a lot ) and the prospective (which her still does not understand anything ) .
From 1997 to date are less than 17 years, almost 12 of them spent with her as husband and wife.
If we had not followed our love for drawing we would never have known .
What do you think, isn't it a good story ?
Browse for her profile on Deviantart:
But , hey , we're on Valentine's Day, and we have to be sweety, then I'll talk you about comics and marriage :)
It was 1997, I attended the art school, and I was not comfortable with my class. I was not the type to complicate the lives of secretaries, principals, teachers and others asking to be changed to class, so I decided to simply stop going, with the rejection would have solved.
I discovered at that time a course on comics of the district, was also free, and I found a couple of friends who would come intrigued.
Still attend some of those friends, others have taken different paths , but two people in particular became important to me .
One was a teacher: Giorgio. A boy (then, a family man now) with great humility that I was able to grow more than anyone else on the aspect of design. A difference to me had not studied in art school, but his passion led him far beyond the classicists teachings. Even today, that i deon't meet him so much, I respect and admire him as a teacher ... and as much as possible I follow his method of teaching in elementary and middle schools where I teach comics, and the same in the course , where over the years, I became a teacher to student .
The other person that I knew the course was passionate about Sailormoon, she drew her characters with the style of this comic that I found very rough , but at the same time she drew with great skill the animals , even the most difficult . A skill that still have not been able to achieve. In addition to admiring her drawings of animals, I was able to collaborate with her , Sara , suggesting new methods of colouring (which her still uses) and fighting endless wars to teach the principles of anatomy (in which she has improved a lot ) and the prospective (which her still does not understand anything ) .
From 1997 to date are less than 17 years, almost 12 of them spent with her as husband and wife.
If we had not followed our love for drawing we would never have known .
What do you think, isn't it a good story ?
Browse for her profile on Deviantart:
Question: Where does the name of Teru Teru Bozu?
Answer: Teru Teru Bozu takes her name from a Japanese doll that brings an end to rain, and generally good weather. It is seen in many cartoons ... at least, in many cartoons of my generation, is that kind of handkerchief with inside a ping-pong ball to simulate the head (complete with eyes drawn) often hanging near the window. In any case, Wikipedia can explain it better :)
"Love is not looking at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." Antoine de Saint Exupéry
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